Wonderful wonderful Copenhagen. Apparently I'm not the only one who feels this way, as an artist by the name of Danny Kaye dedicated a whole song with this title to express his love for the city.
A few questioned my choice of travel destination. Yes, it was random. No, I didn't know much about... well, anything to do with the city. How could it be that after years of comprehensive history learning that I didn't even skim the surface of Danish history? Whatever, there's no better time the present I thought as I packed my suitcase and departed for Gatwick airport in the cold, wet, wee hours of Friday morning.
Amazing train system, green society, a wonderful sense of togetherness, canals, boatsss....zzzzz yadda yadda yadda. There are more important things to discuss.
Calling all the single ladies out there.
If it is going to take putting on a black leotard and shaking my booty about Beyonce-style to get your attention, then sign me up because it would be entirely worth it.
It is time to put Copenhagen or perhaps just Scandinavia in general at the top of your travel list.
I must have spent my first day in Copenhagen walking around with my mouth open gaping at the men passing by. Tall, blonde, tanned to golden perfection. One, after the other, after the other. It was so right and yet so wrong. How is it that all of these men could be so beautiful? Was it the diet of fish and rye bread? Perhaps the city is just a magnet to attractive men in general, as even my tour guide from London seemed unreasonably attractive.
Unfortunately the city's effect hasn't rubbed off on me, as I've returned home with a very pink and wind-burnt face after deciding it was a good idea to brave the wildest weather and walk miles to see the Little Mermaid statue today. I'm also probably a couple of kilos heavier after indulging in some Danish pastries (which could quite possibly be BETTER than the French variety - big call, but I'm throwing it out there!) However it was all worth it and I had a fabulous time learning more about the city and picking up randoms at my hostel to make the journey to the Louisiana Gallery of Modern Art to see the Yoko Ono exhibition with.
I also accidentally found myself in Christiania, described by Wikipedia as "a self-proclaimed autonomous neighbourhood." Read: a hippy land that residents have declared as their own, and the government is too interested in how this social experiment turns out that they are just letting it run its course. Just as people travel to Amsterdam to indulge in brownies, so too do people travel to Christiania to indulge in marijuana. The fumes were so overwhelming that by the time I found my way out my head was most certainly in the clouds.
On a more serious and helpful note, for all those considering a trip to Copenhagen some time soon I highly recommend the Woodah hostel as an anti-clubbing escape from your usual hostels. Not only do you get to sleep in cupboard arrangements, but it also hosts free yoga classes every morning that certainly take your mind off London boy dilemmas while you concentrate on your tight hamstrings.
Free walking tours will provide insight into buildings and history of the city - Sandemann's is my company of choice, having previously done their tours in Paris and Barcelona as well. But perhaps most importantly of all, just enjoy the male (and female) scenery and try to keep your mouth closed as you do.
Love, Em xxx
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